Check list of diesel generator set before test
The working principle of Cummins generator set
In short, the diesel engine drives the generator.
In the cylinder, filtered by the air filter and clean air and a high-pressure spray nozzle atomization of diesel are fully mixed, in the piston upward pressure, volume, temperature rises rapidly, reaching the ignition point of diesel. The diesel is ignited, the mixture gas burns violently, the volume expands rapidly and pushes the piston down. It is called "work done". Each cylinder works in a certain order, and the thrust acting on the piston becomes a force that drives the crankshaft to rotate through the connecting rod, thereby driving the crankshaft to rotate.
The brushless synchronous AC generator and diesel engine crankshaft coaxial installation, you can rotate and drive the generator rotor by diesel engine, using the 'induction' principle, the generator will output the induced electromotive force generated by the current load circuit can be closed.
The basic working principle of the generator is only described here. A series of diesel and generator controls, protection devices and circuits are needed to obtain the available and stable power output.
On the four part of the work generator, the mechanical energy into electrical energy: = = = = = = intake compression power and exhaust! The diesel generator in the diesel engine cylinder, filtered by the air filter and clean air and a high-pressure spray nozzle atomization of diesel is fully mixed, in the piston upward pressure, volume, temperature rises rapidly, reaching the ignition point of diesel. The diesel is ignited, the mixture gas burns violently, the volume expands rapidly and pushes the piston down. It is called "work done". Each cylinder works in a certain order, and the thrust acting on the piston becomes a force that drives the crankshaft to rotate through the connecting rod, thereby driving the crankshaft to rotate. The Cummins generator basic equipment includes the following six systems: (1) the oil lubrication system; fuel system; (2) (3) (4) control and protection system; cooling system; (5) exhaust system; (6) starting system. AC generator operation principle: the use of electromagnetic induction phenomenon.